Strategy with NeoBux - Part 2

Direct Referrals

It is significant to get direct referrals?

  System of NeoBux is primary for rent referrals, however if you want, you can refer direct referrals. In this case are earnings much smaller (at least initially, with the Standard Account). You can direct referrals after first 15 test days (and click 100 ads).

  You have profits from yellow fixed ads. For 1 click you have only 0,0005 USD, which is very little. However, once you upgrade on Golden Account, it's better and click profit increases to 0,005 USD (ie. as Rented in Standard). When upgrade Golden Account to improved Golden (Emerald, Saphire, Platinum, Diamond, Ultimate) profit will raise to 0,01 USD and thatīs much better. :-)

  Additionally, you have versus leased referrals 20% profits from NeoCoin offers and 12% profit from Mini Jobs offers . And 1% from spent cash for specific services. And thatīs really nice...

  If you are interested, is possible your Direct referral within 90 days sell to the Neobux. The redemption price is 1 to 4 USD.

The maximum amount of Direct Referrals

  Number of Direct referrals are also limited, but you remove inactive referrals from your list and throw it to make place for another one. You can also buy extension of 1 place for 500 NeoPoints. The table shows the limits of how much you can have Direct Referrals.

30200300400300400without limitations

  To the above values is still counted loyalty bonus, which will increase amount. Simply put, the longer you are active on Neobux, the more direct referrals you may have below. Is calculated so that from the time of registration will be deducted for 30 days and then the residue was divided by (Standard 4, Golden 2, upgraded Golden 1) and add it to the limit in list.

  E.g. from registration expired 330 days. Subtract 30 days, ie. 300 days left

  • Standard = 30 + (300/4) = 105
  • Golden = 200 + (300/2) = 350
  • Golden Emerald = 300 + (300/1) = 600


In the case that your referral will receive a permanent ban or delete an account, is automatically removed from your list.

Information about accounts

Compare the earnings of individual accounts

  Count basically only witl yellow Fixed Advertisements, because Extended aand Standard Expositure are rare. When you begin, you have automatically Standard Account, which is for free. Upgrade to normal Golden Account costs 90 USD (1 year). You can upgrade Golden Account (Emerald, Platinum, Sapphire, Diamond, Ultimate) - prices are below.

Compare the parameters Golden Account

  Gray star means, that this parameter is same as in normal Golden Account (ie. for price 90 USD/ year). Fees are yearly.

Important information for NeoBux Terms

  Not everyone reads the detailed terms and conditions, so I would like to point out a few things. In the event a breach or risk a temporary and permanent blocking of the account and it would be a shame.

  • You can view ad from one IP 1x every 24 hodin, Therefore 1 Household = 1 Account.
  • You can login from one computer only to 1 NeoBux account! So if your friend clicks and you come to him to visit, you can not log in to your account on the computer! (anyway you will not be able to click advertisements, because you will have the same IP)
  • On your account within 10 days, you can only log on 3 different PCs (ie. The place where you view the ads).
  • Ads must be clicking your mouse (ie. not touching the screen or keyboard).
  • You have to click on ads on desktop or notebook. You have to click on ads on desktop or notebook. (It concerns only ads. You can manage referrals and everything else.)
  • On the forum and Neobux chat is not not allowed to promote any other PTC, earnings, MLM, etc. You will get access here for click 250 ads.

Get 2 strategies (guides), how to work towards earnings!

  Thorough and detailed description of how Neobux works, you have freely accessible via website. I Compiled also accurate approach (strategy), how in NeoBux proceed step by step to achieve profits 50 USD / day.

  If you want get this guide,you must buy it for 3 USD. For this price you will get e-book which contain 2 strategies. The first is for Rented Referrals and second for Direct Referrals.

If you want to buy strategies for 3 USD, click to button Buy it now:

Tip for NeoBux

  If you want to earn more, watch "Latest news" in your profile. Neobux Admins occasionally declare to temporary sales for purchases or extend of Rented Referrals, for upgrade membership etc. Usually during holidays (christmas, easter, valentine etc.) or at the time of the NeoBux anniversary. Take advantage of it.